Risks to economic stability, such as war and inflation became our new reality. These issues show us how important nowadays is safety of business. Strengthening of its foundations such as ethics in business, responsibility for decisions made and concern for the common good is our obligation.
As Polish Agency for Audit Oversight we appreciate the significance of the role of public debate in raising awareness of running a business in secure way. Therefore, we would like to invite all of you for our conference “Safety of business. Responsibility of institutions, responsibility of business”.
1st discussion panel
10:00 -11:15
Institutions, gatekeepers and their role in ensuring safety of business
Public institutions have an important role in shaping public awareness and creating conditions for running business in secure way. Their mission is crucial for corporate governance in the macroeconomic scale and ensuring stability in economy. Institutional decision makers are responsible for building strategy and their decisions have an impact for current functioning of the entire economy.
Debate topics
The harmony between public and private sector in the light of the safety of economy
Not only the state itself – safety of business as an object of civic concern and common good (gatekeepers and whistleblowers)
Is the business aware of the role it plays in the care of public interest?
Awareness and resposibility of the Gatekeepers who advise on compliance with regulations and ethical principles
What should be the role of whistleblowers?
Until what point can the capitalist system be blamed and from what point is it a scandals and frauds – who should be blamed for?
2nd discussion panel
11:30 -12:45
Does business have to be ethical? Business ethics and social relations
The necessary condition for the effectiveness of public institutions in ensuring the security of business trading and sustainable development of the entire economy is good cooperation with business, which today not only can, but must be socially responsible. The phenomenon of the culture of risk without a balancing culture of responsibility is rapidly becoming a past among investors. The work, investment and earning ethic is gaining importance.
Debate topics
– Culture of risk and values versus culture of resposibility
Not only ESG. The role of ethics in everyday business – problems and challenges
Does the codecs of professional ethics solve sufficiently current problems and dilemmas?
Cressey’s triangle – does it push ethics into the background and encourage to commiting fraud and financial crime?
Does the private sector have a duties towards society?
3rd discussion panel
13:00 -14:15
The role of education in preventing the financial crime
In times of change and uncertainty which become “opportunity” for the growth of financial crime, financial education plays an important role. Adequate public awareness can minimize the risk of shocks.
Debate topics
Destabilizers of business trading not only in the times of changes and uncertainty – financial frauds, crimes and lack of knowledge.
Who needs education about finance and how to learn society about economics?
Who is responsible for financial education? Do only the public institutions?
Strong supervisory framework and high level of financial education- can one be efficient without the second one?
Is it possible to achieve high level of financial education in the era of new high-developing technologies?
enforcing public interest
Knowledge is the best fuse in times of uncertainty. By means of debate and cooperation of various institutions, we can create the basis for proper financial education of the society.
Chairman of the Polish Agency for Audit Oversight
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